The project aims to empower young women in Saraj/Bojane by providing them with the necessary knowledge, skills, and support to succeed in the agricultural and viticultural sectors.
Through a comprehensive set of workshops and activities, female participants will gain valuable insights into sustainable agricultural practices, vineyard management, entrepreneurship, and leadership, which will ultimately contribute to…
From Fake to Check (FFTC) is an innovative project led by Missions Publiques in collaboration with four partners of the Western Balkans region. Launched in April and scheduled to conclude in December 2023, this project is aimed at fighting disinformation and supporting the Western Balkans in their EU accession process.
The project is centered around…
Together with the Lavazza Training Center- Skopje, ShMQSh "SARAJ", and the COMBI Café, we organized the barista training for the interested members of the Saraj Youth Hub. This event is organized within the "Enhancing the employability skills of youth in Saraj", funded by the Национален Младински Совет на Македонија - НМСМ / NYCM / KRNM…
Project description:
The European Youth Alliance for Green Future project aimed to increase next decision makers' democratic participation capacity and show civic engagement methods, as well as to teach how to create awareness, how to shape their community, how to be active citizens, how to take responsibilities and how to take part while setting…
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The SDGs for Resilient Youth workshop created a connection between youth and students of religious schools and equipped young people with skills and knowledge on SDG 16, more specifically in opening a dialogue in which members of all religious communities would stand against hateful and violent behavior. Furthermore, opening a dialogue on the…
We are implementing our new project funded by the RMV National Youth Council and the European Union. Within the framework of Saraj Youth Hub we will build the first dedicated career counseling and service center for Saraj's youth and young adults.
Së shpejti fillojmë me implementimin e projektit tonë të ri të finansuar nga Këshilli…
This project is focused on reducing barriers to labor market integration and increasing the employability skills of vulnerable individuals in Saraj. After conducting a comprehensive needs assessment on the target community, ZIP Institute created an annual training plan centered around providing participants with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve gainful employment in their local…
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The Digital Youth of Saraj project was implemented in order to improve the digital literacy of the staff at Saraj High School with the help of experts and to raise awareness about the problem of cyber-violence and how to better protect students. The activities were carried out with the help of an…
Project Description:
The Bojane Grape Festival, which took place on September 2nd at the square in the village of Bojane, Saraj, successfully celebrated its sixth edition. As in the past years, the agenda for the sixth edition of the Bojane Grape Festival was rich in various activities for the large audience of the event. The…
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The Life Skills for Saraj Youth project succeeded in creating a safe and welcoming environment for adolescents to discuss, share, and learn about topics such as physical and mental health, the reproductive system, and more. This was facilitated with the help of an expert that was more empathetic to their curiosity and needs.…