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Center for Informal Learning

The turbulent times of rocket fast globalization and IT development has seriously challenged the weak educational systems of the developing countries.

Macedonia as one of the countries with high structural unemployment created as a result of the mismatch between the job market demand and the knowledge acquired in the formal education as well as due to the inefficient educational programs, produces every year lot of diplomas and very little knowledge.

The lack of real 21st century skills as well as possibilities to acquire them is limited in the country.

Therefore, one of the core areas of ZIP Institute is to provide information, tools and platforms for research based informal education for a broader scope of audience, especially recent graduates and persons pursuing a second career.

Informal learning means learning by adapting to the society changes and focusing on skills and competences that can play a crucial role in closing that education-job market gap and offering innovative ideas for self-employment and better positioning on the employment market.

This program area will tend to offer a various set of useful self-learning materials, tutorials, best practice examples etc.

The overall aim is contributing to more active, better skilled and progressive society.