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The purpose of the project “Greater participation – better policies and regulatives” is to promote the principles of good governance (accountability, transparency, participation, efficiency and coherence) through enhanced influence of civil society organizations (CSOs) in the processes of evaluation of public policies and decision making. It targets three main groups: CSOs directly and citizens who in fact are affected by public policies as well as civil servants in state institutions.

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The project aims to strengthen the capacities of civic organizations in order to have effect as supervisory bodies and regulatory indicators in the process of preparation of policies and law proposals through mechanisms, methods and ex ante and ex post evaluation tools. The planned activities are aimed to achieve the following objectives:

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  • Developed analytical knowledge and skills of CSOs for using the methods and tools for assessment of the impact of the regulative and evaluation of policies;
  • Support and mentorship in the preparation of policy case studies and regulatives in cooperation with state institutions which will be selected in accordance with the current policies;
  • Preparation of a Policy Paper with key findings and recommendations for certain policies which will be delivered to the Government and relevant committees in the Parliament as a way of lobbying and enhanced influence.

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ZIP Institute is implementing this project in collaboration with its partner Center for Change Management.

Funded: with CUP