ЗИП Институт во партнерство со фондацијата newDemocracy од Австралија и UNDEF ќе спроведе многу уникатно
Граѓанско Собрание на Северна Македонија за Ковид-19.
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Од почетокот на пандемијата, луѓето сметаат дека Владата заедно со Министерството за здравство има донесено мерки и утврдени правила без тие да бидат ефикасни,…
We are pleased to announce that the third edition of the Macedonian Energy Forum besides setback with the current pandemic was a huge success!
We had an amazing discussion on the topics of energy with our international and domestic panelists and experts followed by over 200 online participants from the field of energy both private and…
ZIP Institute began its campaign to fight COVID-19. Thanks to the financial support of the Government of the Republic of North Macedonia, we will continue to spread awareness around the risks associated with this invisible enemy among the citizens of the municipality of Saraj, by distributing flyers and stickers which contain messages on how to…
The aim of the project is to transform the neglected youth of Saraj into a cadre of youth in the community who are more confident and better equipped to create synergies for joint actions with community actors.
On a broader level, the project promotes inclusion by reaching out on issues that are accessible mostly to the…
Providing assistance to rural communities around Skopje on understanding the real threats of Covid-19 and distributing protection kits to various households. Another goal that the project accomplished was providing students from economically vulnerable families with IT equipment so they can continue learning online during the Covid-19 pandemic.
June 2020 – September 2020
Government of the…
Third edition of the Macedonian Energy Forum 2020. 1. This project’s main aim was achieved by organizing the third edition of the energy forum and enabling participation of different experts. The Energy forum aimed to continue its legacy to be a diverse and high-level platform for stakeholders of different sectors, regions and backgrounds in the…
Full title:
Empowering youth and grassroots organisations to advocate for social service delivery at local level
Project description:
This project will draw from the democratic transformation and experience with local government democratization and social inclusion of Roma communities in the Visegrad countries. The aim of the project is to empower youth and…