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THE EVENT WILL EXPLORE KEY QUESTIONS on Partnership between local government and civil society in providing services for the vulnerable – What are the opportunities and challenges of partnership between local government and civil society? Is civil society sufficiently empowered in such partnerships? What can we learn from good practice? Targeted measures or mainstreaming? How can such partnerships be evaluated? What is the sustainability of such partnerships? How can such cooperation feed into advocacy and policy change? (See draft report for more information)

The conference is part of a regional project that seeks to advocate in advancing the social service delivery for marginalized and minority populations in the targeted countries by civil society organizations at local level. Albania and North Macedonia need to improve the efficiency of the social protection system and the quality of social services for these communities. This project will draw from the democratic transformation and experience with local government democratization and social inclusion of Roma communities in the Visegrad countries. The aim of the project is to empower youth and grassroots organizations in Albania and North Macedonia to advocate for better social service delivery at local level through enhanced capacities and exchange of experience with Visegrad countries. The focus of this project is on youth and civil society organizations working on issues of social inclusion and human rights of minority and marginalized groups such as Roma. At impact level, we seek to support the development of a more vibrant civil society at local level influencing policy and decision-making processes for social inclusion and improving the access of social services for marginalized and minority communities living in Albania and North Macedonia.